because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: unique

Get the Dog: The Importance of Your Little Piece of God’s Heart

Reading Time: 4 minutes

get the dog: unique

Yesterday, my friend got a dog.

Now, for most of you, you’re thinking, this is not an auspicious start for an insightful blog post. But then I would tell you that she literally has teared up when reading airline rules about transporting a pet. I’d mention that when she was grieving a major transition in her life a year and a half ago, she brightened at thinking she could finally get a dog. She’s researched shelters extensively, and talked to me about the benefits of getting a dog from a no-kill shelter, and about how pitbulls are discriminated against.

Do our churches prefer certain personality types?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

churches prefer personalitiesAlright, if it isn’t obvious already–I’ve never really been one of the cool cats. I will sheepishly admit to wearing pleated pants in high school. I had braces until I was a junior. It took years for me to learn to tame these crazy curls (not to mention the frizz and curly eyebrows that went with them). I was more than a little Anne of Green Gables-ish with all my melodramatic creativity. And as you could probably pick up from my blog–I am guilty of trying too hard. Which is woefully beyond any scope of cool in high school.

But in church circles? I have one of those personalities that’s easily accepted. I’m bubbly. I’m a married, creative mother (bonus!) with domestic-diva interests and a bleeding heart. I’m high-capacity in my time management, irreverent in the right ways, and–wait for it–I was a missionary. (I know! Cue the heavenly theme music!) So my gifts, talents, and temperament can lend me toward respect in these circles.

Yet what if I wasn’t?


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