because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: self-control

Anger Issues? Ideas to Keep a Lid On

Reading Time: 5 minutes

anger issues

I still recall with vividness my son’s drawing, proclaiming my anger issues to the world.

It was in red marker (his favorite color). Chunky hands rested on wonderfully slim, stick-figure hips. “I made you look mad, but you’re not mad in this picture,” he explained. read more

The Stressed Version of Your Parenting

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Stress is like wearing a flannel shirt when you’re washing dishes, you know?

One minute, you’ve got your hands in the water, scrubbing, the edge of your cuffs kissing the water. Next minute, the water’s bled up to your armpits. (For this reason, my husband’s told me that in Boy Scouts, they always said “Cotton is death”: If you’re wearing cotton when you’re active in the cold, it absorbs your perspiration, and can quickly bring you to hypothermia in bad weather.) read more

Essential Social Skills for Kids (and Ideas to Teach Them), #5-7

Reading Time: 4 minutes


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