because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: learning disorder

Executive Functioning: Is it behind the Behavior Issues?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

executive functioning

When my son was seven, I’d ask him to clean his room.

Unfortunately, I could come in half an hour later and the place still looked like someone had turned the place upside down and shook it, then sprayed cheese-in-a-can on top. read more

ADHD and What Works for Us: Tips, tactics–and hope

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Author’s note: This post veers a bit to a niche audience. But my posts on what I’m learning from my son’s learning disorders—ADHD and dysgraphia—and this one on helping our kids turn suffering into praise have been perennially visited by whom I can only assume are parents hoping to adjust to similarly harrowing and frustrating diagnoses.

I’m not a doctor or an expert—just a parent who has found some gratitude in all this.

Six years ago, my heart wasn’t just gripped by preparations to heave our family of six over to Africa. It took only till September of my son’s kindergarten year to piece together that something wasn’t right. read more

What I am slowly learning–because of my son’s learning disorders, Part II

Reading Time: 4 minutes

learning disorder

What I am slowly learning–because of my son’s learning disorders, Part I

Reading Time: 4 minutes

learning disorder

My son was five. The six of us were headed to Uganda in about three months. And there were so many reasons I did not want to encounter the realities uncovered by the Vanderbilt Assessment, or my child’s pediatrician, or our family tree: ADHD, and eventually, accompanying (and profound) dysgraphia.


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