because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: hesed

When It’s Hard to Enjoy Your Child

Reading Time: 4 minutes

enjoy your child

A friend asked me a good question in a roundabout way. Let’s say my child is in one of those seasons when they’re hard to love.

…Or even being a jerk.  read more

God’s Attachment Love. Your Kid’s Darkest Moment. Your Open Window

Reading Time: 4 minutes

attachment love

I was chatting on the phone with my oldest this week about purity culture–which deserves a post on its own. (I have feelings. Big feelings.)

I expressed to him how tough it is as parents, when some of the less-healthy methods of purity culture are subtracted from parenting –I’m looking at you, shame-parenting–to find something as powerful to direct our kids toward good and keep them from what’s truly bad. read more

An Open Letter: When You’re Tired of Doing the Right Thing

Reading Time: 3 minutes

faithfulness tired of doing the right thingHey.

I was there just this past Saturday, too. Felt like it had been a year of keeping my head down, doing the right thing with a hopeful smile. Or maybe some tears. I’ve mentioned this last year my struggles with feeling powerless; with the tension of not living some dreams.

I may have even scrawled the phrase tired of a “Yes, sir” life in my journal this past weekend.


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