because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Tag: discipline

9 Ideas to Parent with More Emotional Health This Week

Reading Time: 2 minutes

ways to parent with emotional health

Looking for ways to parent with more emotional health?

Here’s nine. (Start with, like, two.) read more

Proverbs for Kids: 5 Printables to Post

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This morning as my 14-year-old scarfed down chicken-maple sausage links before school, I pulled Tim Keller’s devo (for adults) on Proverbs off the kitchen’s half-wall, where it sits by the fruit bowl. These pages have become to me a quietly cherished part of our routine.

There’s something about Proverbs’ concrete wisdom and word pictures for developing young brains that makes this book wonderfully tactile. (And bless the person who divided it neatly into 31 chapters, one per day of the month.) read more

Advocating for your Child without Being a You-Know-What

Reading Time: 7 minutes

advocating child

I have a child with ADHD and one who’s got a lot of impulsive energy (i.e. occasional irrationality typical to 10-year-old boys) at school.

I know that feeling of seeing the school’s number on my phone and thinking, Please let it be good news. read more

Does the Idea of “Sin” Hurt Our Kids?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

sin kids harm

It was the kind of article that makes you mentally cover your face with your hands. And then, bite your nails with the grimace still on your face.

And her words still rattle me. (They should.) read more

When “Should” Gets in the Way

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Author’s note: This is another one of those posts (like most of mine?) that I write from the thick of it. As in, not from mastery. As in, I was dealing with this last night. Turns out I not only get the “shoulds” with myself; I get them with other people. As in my kids. 

My husband has probably said it more than ten times: “When you’re tired, you get the shoulds.”

I should call her. I need to write that note. I think we need to make a plan for disciplining [insert child]. I should be more diligent about… read more

Freebie Fridays: 11 Ideas for More Emotionally-whole and -healthy Parenting [INFOGRAPHIC]

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In keeping with my recent infatuation with infographics, today’s post is an attempt to visually portray the thoughts in this popular post, 11 Ideas for More Emotionally-whole and Healthy Parenting (which in turn can give you more complete ideas).

Print it FREE here! And if you like it, I’d love it if you shared it so more people can have access to these ideas.

Here’s to a more “wholehearted ” week at your house. read more

Freebie Friday: Shame-parenting vs. Guilt Exposure [INFOGRAPHIC]

Reading Time: < 1 minute

My most popular post for this blog hands-down has been Shame on You? On Shame-parenting vs. guilt exposure. It seems like all of us can resonate with the gripping force of shame in our lives–and the longing to give our kids something more.

Print this infographic here.

Like this post? You might like  read more

Spiritual Life Skills for Kids: 10 Ideas to Help you Build Submission and Respect

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Like this series? Get more of these here.

I’ve been putting this post off.

It’s pretty much because creating a sense of respect in my kids still makes me want to tear my hair out.  Admittedly, my oldest is now 13, so we’re breaking new ground in this area. read more

Shame on you? Shame-parenting vs. guilt exposure

Reading Time: 4 minutes

what expectCompletely Pretty much hypothetical situation. Say one of your kids—well, one of my kids, anyway—teases a sibling to the point of tears. (I know. Whose kids would do that?!)

Let’s take a gander at a few of our parenting options, shall we?

a. “How could you do that to him/her? You are such a bully. Ugh. I am so disgusted with you.” read more

12 “Angry” Steps

Reading Time: 4 minutes

12 angry steps

I’ve written before about my anger problem. You know. The one I didn’t think I had until I had children.

But as conflict reveals my heart for what it really is, I’m compiling a working list of practical steps and thoughts as God patiently carves away the death in my heart and slowly makes me a conqueror. read more


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