because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: spiritual life skills/spiritual disciplines (page 2 of 6)

What kind of [spiritual] personal training does your child need?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

personal training

A couple of my kids have recently joined the other two in pursuing some personal fitness goals.

So y’know, that’s cool. read more

Questions to Take Your Relationship With God Deeper

Reading Time: 2 minutes

relationship with God

This week on a phone conversation with a friend, she asked what’s become our custom at the end of our calls: What’s one intimate prayer request I can pray for?

It was probably telling that I didn’t really know. read more

3 Simple, Un-weird Ways to Start Spiritual Conversations

Reading Time: 4 minutes

spiritual conversations

If you’ve followed this blog for awhile, you know I taught refugees for a handful of years, many of them Muslim–people and a task I adored.

I was surprised to learn a difference between the Bible and the Qur’an: The Qur’an isn’t a narrative, like much of the Bible is. (The Qur’an is laid out more like Psalms or Proverbs.)  read more

Prayer Tools for Families: FREE Printables

Reading Time: 4 minutes

So guess what I got in the mail this week?

It’s real, folks. After a long…long path here, Permanent Markers releases October 5. (Grab the first chapter free via the right-hand sidebar of my blog, if you’re game.) read more

Raising Kids Who Move Toward

Reading Time: 4 minutes

move toward

So this past weekend was the community garage sale in my small town. Though I’m really aspiring to greater simplicity, a community garage sale is my kryptonite.

I was super-excited about a necklace I found. But when I paired the necklace with a bracelet I’d nabbed for $.50, my husband’s eyebrow cocked. Not a good sign. read more

Humility: The Emotionally-Healthy Kids Series

Reading Time: 6 minutes


Note from Janel: I’m trying this new series on for size–on raising emotionally-healthy kids. We’ll start with something that would make our nation look markedly different if it defined us, our leaders: Humility.

No, this is not because I actually think I have arrived or have everything you need to know. This site is about having the conversations we need to have. read more

Christian Mindfulness: How It’s Changing Me

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Christian mindfulness

My father is the broad-shouldered, strong, internal teddy bear type, with fingers like sausages. In my childhood, he was a Midwestern farmer.  In his spare time, he donates his mad skills to car repairs of missionaries, single moms, people like that. He’s that kind of guy.

And it’s common for him to come back into the house with blood zigzagging down his leg or seeping through his shirt. read more

So You’re Bored in Quarantine: 6 Ideas

Reading Time: 5 minutes

bored in quarantine

So for a lot of the world, boredom is real. I read in a meme that pandas can eat 13 hours a day…hence calling this a “pandemic.” Need a couple of fresh ideas while you’re bored in quarantine?

Jigsaw puzzles that get you talking.

Try these jigsaw puzzles from White Mountain with icons from the 80’s and the 90’s–serious conversation starters. (“Dad, who was Michael Jackson?”) read more

Spiritual Life Skills: 10 Ways to Teach Compassion (with book list!)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I don’t know about you, but back-to-school prep is real, folks.

Your kids are asking if they need shots (which makes you, in turn, ask if they need shots.) You’re buying 8-packs of dry erase markers, enough pencils to take the SAT every day for an entire year, and wondering if you could still repurpose that lunchbox with the barbecue sauce stain on it that looks like Ronald Reagan. read more

Spiritual Life Skills for Kids: Living in Community

Reading Time: 7 minutes

spiritual life skills for kids spiritual disciplines

It’s a disturbing statistic.

A friend quoted me a study cited in Johann Hari’s Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions (please forgive me if it’s misquoted). read more

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