because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Category: closeness; intimacy (page 1 of 6)

Writing a Year-end Note to Your Child: 4 Simple Steps

Reading Time: 6 minutes

note to your child

The dog licked me awake early this morning. Well, early for my slumbering house of teenagers house. And I stayed awake for the quiet.

As I type to you, snow layers the landscape out my window like fondant. I love its muting effect–on schedules, on sound. My life craves more quiet, for the love of Mike. And the end of the year always seems to hush my own soul into a more contemplative place. read more

When It’s Hard to Enjoy Your Child

Reading Time: 4 minutes

enjoy your child

A friend asked me a good question in a roundabout way. Let’s say my child is in one of those seasons when they’re hard to love.

…Or even being a jerk.  read more

God’s Attachment Love. Your Kid’s Darkest Moment. Your Open Window

Reading Time: 4 minutes

attachment love

I was chatting on the phone with my oldest this week about purity culture–which deserves a post on its own. (I have feelings. Big feelings.)

I expressed to him how tough it is as parents, when some of the less-healthy methods of purity culture are subtracted from parenting –I’m looking at you, shame-parenting–to find something as powerful to direct our kids toward good and keep them from what’s truly bad. read more

Suffering: “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four years ago, my husband and I squinted through snow flurries as we wound our way to Denver.

We were driving my 13-year-old to an MRI screening for cancer.

Lymphoma is a primary consideration, the radiologist had said, goading us toward the test that day. read more

“I Don’t Feel Close to God” (with PRINTABLE VERSES)

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I don't feel close to God

My friend’s alienation crackled through the phone line. “I don’t know. I keep doing all the right things. But a lot of times I don’t feel close to God, you know?”

My friend described time in Scripture and prayer, their attempts to live in ways that pleased God. Yeah, I definitely believe there are things we can do to move closer to God. I also know what it’s like to feel like God is endlessly, silently away from you. read more

8 Ideas for a SAHP (Stay at Home Parent) to Avoid Isolation

Reading Time: 5 minutes


I paused on the stairs today, peering at this photo of my sons eating hot dogs in Halloween costumes at a Trunk or Treat.

The one on the left, in the fireman costume, is now a Marine in infantry training, rucking five kilometers this week with about forty pounds on his back. read more

Best Posts of 2022!

Reading Time: 5 minutes

best posts of 2022

Today, my oldest is headed for continued training with the Marines; the 1987 Nissan Z he’s been flipping–the one the still needs the muffler?–sits resignedly outside. My youngest, a delight and a straight-up handful, is with extended family.  And thanks to this past year’s new puppy, I’m up early.

(This morning’s tea choice: Stash’s Licorice Spice. But since we’re talking New Year’s, my favorite of 2022 has definitely been Tazo’s Glazed Lemon Loaf.) read more

When Your Internal Narratives Sabotage Your Relationships

Reading Time: 3 minutes

internal narratives

On Tuesday, my brain–well, my heart–undermined my marriage.

Here’s what happened on the outside. read more

“I’ll find you”: What we long to hear

Reading Time: 3 minutes

i'll find you

A few nights ago, I got a call from my son from his military base. Wanna know what was great?

He called me because he had a bad day. read more

Spiritual Health When You’re Busy: 7 Easy Ways

Reading Time: 4 minutes

spiritual health

Let’s get real. You may be even a little too busy to read this post.

Or maybe you’re tired of picking up things with a lot of pieces. Or trying to find the owner of the toenail clipping on the table. (These have all been me.) read more

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