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Last year, I kicked off 2016 with 6 Ways to Take Your Relationships Deeper, parts I and II and dug into that a little with six sets of questions help tug your most intimate friendships to the next level. 

This year, I’ve kicked off 2107 with questions to help us pursue our relationship with the most potential for fulfillment and gut-level happiness, no matter what’s around the corner. (Check out the previous set here!)


1. At times when I feel most worshipful, what am I doing?

2. Spend time thanking God for ten people who are gifts to you in this present time, and ten people from your past.

3. If your life were a tank of gas, where would the gauge be right now? (Check out these questions to Know Your Stressed Self.) It’s not realistic to think we’ll always be on “full”. But what holes are you sensing in your life where you need God’s presence, beauty, truth, and/or power?

4. When you get to heaven, what questions do you hope to ask of God? What truths do you have now to grant you peace amidst your unresolved questions?

5. What is one regret you have of your past? Have you sought forgiveness from God and the people you’ve affected? Of what truths do you need to remind yourself surrounding that regret?

6. Lord, how is my marriage/singleness? How would you specifically have me love better?

7. Father, how is my parenting? How would you specifically have me love better?

8.  In what times/circumstances did you feel particularly loved by God, as an individual?

9.Take time to ask one person who’s close to you: What are my blindspots? What is one way I could really honor God more, be more like Jesus, or love others better?

10. Do I have any untended “wounds” (shame, rejection, pain…) in my heart right now that I need to keep clean (through honesty, Christian lament, “unpraising” deeds others have done to me causing me shame [as author Ed Welch writes], prayer, etc.)?


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