because uncomfortable conversations are the ones worth having

Month: December 2015 (page 2 of 2)

26 Super-practical parenting hacks

Reading Time: 3 minutes

26 parenting hacks

Calling the “embassy”

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What’s better than having the embassy in your cell phone?

Citizenship to a greater city—with an even more powerful “passport” than my remarkable little navy one (uh, and its awkward little photo).

My assignment–from God

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Startup Stock Photos

I was a brand, spanking-new junior in a high school far from my former Yankee home. So new, in fact, that my parents hadn’t even moved down yet; I bunked with friends of my parents, previously unknown by me, so I could be present at the start of the new school year. Marveling at the slow drawls, Wranglers, and racial tensions around school, I’d now written my first pre-AP English paper. We’d circled our desks and traded papers with another student. The student—bless his heart, as they would say in the South—was actually remarkably kind to me, er, my paper.

My English teacher was not.

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